Возможно, этот код документирован.
var newPages = new function(){
var msg =
{legend:'New pages'
,info:'Pages: $1. <span id=update>Update</span>'
,next:'Request 50 next (200 | 500)'
,showlogs:'Display previous deletions'
if( wgUserLanguage == 'ru' ) msg =
{legend:'Недавно созданные страницы'
,info:'Показано страниц: $1. <span id=update>Обновить</span>'
,next:'Показать 50 следующих (200 | 500)'
,'Show only':'Показывать только'
,anon:'IP правки'
,showlogs:'Показать предыдущие удаления'
function mm(txt){ return msg[txt] || txt }
var pagesTotal, lastUpdated, isDisplayLogs
var apiNextRC, apiTopRC, apiLog // for simpleQuery
this.start = function (){ //create interface
#output {font-size:88%}\
span.more {color:#0645AD; cursor:pointer}\
#result tr {background-color:white}\
#result tr.viewed td.timestamp {background-color: #ddd}\ {font-size: 90%}\
td.timestamp, td.newlen {text-align:right; font-size:90%}\
tr.patrolled td.title {background:#eaffea}\
td.redirect a {font-style:italic; color:gray}\
.show {opacity:0.4}\
.checked {opacity:1}\
var nsOptions = '<option>' + mm('nsall') + '</option>'
+ '<option value=0 selected>'+ mm('ns0') + '</option>'
for (var i in wgFormattedNamespaces){
if (i <= 0) continue
nsOptions += '<option value=' + i + '>' + wgFormattedNamespaces[i] + '</option>'
$('<div id=output>\
<div id=messages />\
<fieldset id=dialog><legend>'+mm('legend')+'</legend>\
<form style="display:inline">'
+mm('Show only')
+ ': <select id=namespace>' + nsOptions + '</select>'
+ chooseShow ('anon')
+ chooseShow ('patrolled')
+ chooseShow ('redirect')
+'</form> \
<input type=button id=go value=↓>\
<br /><hr />\
<input type=checkbox id=logs /><label for=logs>' + mm('showlogs') + '</label>\
<div id=header />\
<div id=results />\
<div id=js-footer />\
var chboxes = $('#dialog').find('')
.click( function(e){ //loop value between '', 'anon', '!anon'
var ch = $(this), lbl =, txt = lbl.attr('title')
if ( /^!/.test( ch.val() ) )
else if ( ch.val() ){
ch.val( '!' + ch.attr('name') )
txt = '<s>' + txt + '</s>'
ch.val( ch.attr('name') )
ch.attr('checked', ch.val() ). toggleClass( 'checked', ch.attr('checked') )
lbl.html( txt ).toggleClass( 'checked', ch.attr('checked') )
$('#go').click( function(){ //prepare RC request parameters
var sh = ['!bot']
chboxes.filter(':checked').each (function(){
sh.push( $(this).val() )
isDisplayLogs = $('#logs').attr('checked')
firstRequest( { show: sh.join('|'), namespace: $('#namespace').val() } )
function chooseShow(param){ // 3-way checkbox
return '<input type=checkbox value="" class=show id=' + param + ' name=' + param + '>'
+ '<label class=show for=' + param + ' title="' + mm(param) + '">' + mm(param) + '</label>'
function firstRequest( rcParams ){
//default RC parameters
rcParams = $.extend(
{type: 'new'
,prop: 'user|parsedcomment|flags|timestamp|title|ids|sizes|redirect|patrolled'
//define RC queries
apiNextRC = new apl.simpleQuery( 'rc', rcParams, displayPages )
apiTopRC = new apl.simpleQuery( 'rc', rcParams, displayPages )
//query for requesting logs
apiLog = new apl.simpleQuery(
{ type:'delete', limit:10, prop: 'ids|user|timestamp|details|parsedcomment' },
//initialize and do first request
pagesTotal = 0
lastUpdated = ''
function requestNextRC( N ){
//spinner2('#dialog form')
//displayPages( simulate_newpages() )
if (typeof N != 'number') N = parseInt( $(this).text() ) //when called as onclick event N )
function requestTopRC(){
apl.spinner('#header') ( { start:'', end: lastUpdated, limit:100 } )
function displayPages(pages){
zpages = pages
//old rows: mark as viewed and update time
.find('td.timestamp').each( function(){
apl.output( $(this).find('span.sort').text(), 'timestamp')
//check if we have new results
if (pages.length == 0){
$('#results').html('No results')
//create table if needed
if ( ! $('#result').length ) {
var addTH = function(tip, ico){
return '<th title="' + tip + '">' + (ico ? apl.icon(ico, 15) : '') + '</th>'
$('#results').html('<table class=wikitable id=result><tr>'
+ addTH('Time ago: hh:mm or dd,hh', '2/26/Clock_simple.svg')
+ addTH('User', '1/12/User_icon_2.svg')
+ addTH('Page', '8/8a/Icons-mini-page_new.gif')
+ addTH('Size')
+ addTH('Comment')
+ (isDisplayLogs
? addTH('Previous deletions', '9/9a/Fairytale_Trash_Question.svg')
: '' )
+ '</tr></table>')
//update "last updated"
var isTop
if ( pages[0].timestamp > lastUpdated ){
isTop = true
lastUpdated = pages[0].timestamp
//add every row and request logs too
var pg, htmRows = ''
var addCell = function(kk){ htmRows += apl.output( pg[kk], kk, 'td' ) }
for ( var i=0; i<pages.length; i++ ){
pg = pages[i]
if ( $('#result').find('tr.'+pg.pageid).length ) continue // avoid duplicates
pg.parsedcomment = simplifyNewPageComment(pg.parsedcomment)
htmRows += '<tr class="' + pg.pageid
+ (typeof pg.patrolled=='string' ? ' patrolled" title="patrolled' : '')
+ '">'
+ apl.outputCell(pg, 'timestamp')
+ apl.outputCell(pg, 'user')
+ apl.outputCell(pg, 'title')
+ apl.outputCell(pg, 'newlen')
+ apl.outputCell(pg, 'parsedcomment')
if( isDisplayLogs ){
htmRows += apl.outputCell('<small>(?)</small>', 'log') { title:pages[i].title, requestid:pages[i].pageid } )
htmRows += '</tr>'
//append to the table
htmRows = '<tbody>' + htmRows + '</tbody>'
if (isTop)
$('#result').find('tbody').eq(0).after( htmRows )
$('#result').append( htmRows )
//update top and bottom text
$('#header').html( mm('info').replace('$1', pagesTotal) )
$('#update').addClass('more').click( requestTopRC )
//if (! apiNextRC.isMore) return // !!! doesn't work yet
.html( mm('next').replace(/\d+/g, '<span class=more>$&</span>') )
.find( 'span.more' )
.click( requestNextRC )
function displayLogs(logs, api){
//find the cell by pageid
var cell =
$( '#result' )
.find( 'tr.' + api.requestid )
.find( 'td.log' )
if (!logs.length) return
//create popup html
var htm = ''
for (var i=0; i<logs.length; i++)
htm += '<small>' + logs[i].timestamp.replace(/(T|:\d\dZ)/g,' ') + '</small>'
+ ' : ' + logs[i].user
+ ' : <small>' + logs[i].parsedcomment + '</small>'
+ '<br />'
//put time and save popup HTML as data
.append( apl.output(logs[0].timestamp, 'timestamp') )
.addPopup( htm )
function simplifyNewPageComment(txt){
var ma
if ( ma = txt.match(/^<a[^>]+>←<\/a> Новая страница: «(.*)»$/) )
txt = '<span class="page-quote">«' + ma[1] + '»</span>'
else if ( ma = txt.match(/^<a[^>]+>←<\/a> <a[^>]+>Перенаправление<\/a> на «(.*)»(.*)$/) )
txt = '→ ' + ma[1] + ma[2]
txt = '<i>' + txt + '</i>'
return txt
if( /^Тептар:Скрипты/.test(wgPageName) ){